As mentioned above, this has been rectified by obtaining permission to use completely customized map files. The thread was shut down due to my violation of the rules by not securing a foolproof method to prevent those who did not own EUIV from downloading the mod. On my previous (now defunct/locked) thread I talked a bit about how I ported over the EUIV map files and were using them as a basis for this mod. The logical place to begin is where the action will take place the map. I have also received permission from the moderator to start a new thread regarding this mod as I no longer violate any forum rules since obtaining permission to use custom map assets. Note: Some of the information below has been copied over from my previous thread while a decent amount of new stuff has been added or edited. Without his help there is no telling how long it would have taken to continue this project. However, first I would like to give out a huge thank you to bizarcasm for giving me permission to use and modify his custom EUIV map assets from his Typus Orbis Terrarum mod.

Below I will discuss at some length regarding what exactly this mod aspires to become, as well as to what the future holds as far as possible integrated features and mechanics.

Imperium Universalis is an ahistorical, total conversion module, currently under development for the Crusader Kings II PC video game.